Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Special Gift From Allah

Mama & Rayyan

Rayyan during his cukur jambul & aqiqah 's ceremony

Rayyan's 2months old !

Superb New Life with Q.R.A

Q.R.A ?? This is my lil baby's name.. Qhalish Rayyan Adam...Finally this is the best name we chose for him. He was born on 8 sept at KPJ Shah Alam.  Alhamdulillah Syukur Ya Allah for the great and superb life ! Sangat happy dengan kehadiran nye dalam kehidupan kami sekarang.... now he is 3months ++.. but really active lil boy.... Here, Mama wanna say 'Rayyan, Mama & Abi love U damn much' .. hoping that you will be ' Anak Soleh my dear Rayyan. Ameen..... ' 

Introducing more about my baby Rayyan later in next post .................... love !

Thursday, May 19, 2011

+ Superb Moment +

Alhamdulillah...its almost 5months !! Tak sabarnya nak jumpa my baby dalam masa 4bulan lagi.. hope everything will be fine and dipermudahkan. Today I feel like i wanna to make mini photoshoot but nampak gaya nye macam busy je this week, mayb we will change and plan to d next suitable date insyaAllah. 

At this time, we both quite busy planning for our future and also becoming baby.. guess what.. we decided to make it surprise bout the our baby's gender... BUT now we start to buy all d necessary stuff n clothes.. mostly unisex!!And no more my clothes..huhu.. all baby and only for my baby.. hehe.. 

I dont know how to describe my feeling rite now bout i just wanna say that IT'S SUPERB MOMENT when we ll be a mother soon. Ya Allah, permudahkan lah semua nya. Amin Amin.....




Wiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee..... I am a MOM now... Sorry for the late post ya? But now I can continue upload my picture and share more story about my new life. I am very2 grateful with all I have now. Alhamdulillah. For now, Im continuing upload my maternity pictures from 6months til 9months... Hope this I can keep til the end.. And I wanna show all these to Rayyan when he can understand...insyaAllah.

6 months


8 months

9 months

Monday, April 11, 2011

+ We Are Nothing +

What can I say, people can change either from good to bad or vice versa. Whether we like it or not, it happens as we continue to grow and learn more. And now I learn new thing about 'independent'.. This word can also change everything...... to be good thing or bad..!

Is it good to change ourself and everything just to show that ' SAYA NAK BERDIKARI ' and leave all...EVERYTHING.. include parents, family, works and others. And can we achieve 'keberkatan' in our life if we hurting our parents?? we should think about this... seriously... To me, there is no way to us to get the successful in our life when we are not get the blessing from parents.. please think deeply about this.

Nothing To Say... the best phase to people who are not think more about BERDIKARI terms. Although we are great or superb people if we are not getting any blessing from our parents.. We are nothing !

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

+ It's Coming +

Alhamdulillah, 2011 comes with more happiness for both 0f us. I am s0 happy when this moments come... especially when I got the confirmation about my pregnancy !!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...I will be a mother this year. Amin.... Amin. It's quite surprising me actually.... But I am so happy with this and TQ Allah because give us this biggest opportunity to us. 

I have no ideas to express my feeling actually.. I am extremely happy and glad to know about this. But now its too early to decide, manage and arrange everything but I'm pretty excited to buy all stuffs needed. Same with my husband actually. Before this, we had decided to have a baby after we both graduated, Alhamdulillah all those happens in the right track until now.....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

+ I'm officially Graduated +

My Hubby + Me

 Love him damn much

My beloved Family
Im Graduated

Alhamdulillah.. Syukur Ya Allah.. Finally I am officially graduated in BEng Civil Engineering Course at Nottingham University, UK. TQ to my beloved family and husband for coming.... !! I really really appreciate that. Now I always pray to get another opportunity to continue my MSc (which actually i got d offer from notts uni but i had withdraw it becz of money matters) same with my husband (which he already at different uni now) but.. I had applied for that.. Ya Allah pls give me another chance.. I will try my best again.

I hope that 2011 will give US more happiness ! AMIN

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